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The Power of Comics- History, Form, and Culture
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The Power of Comics- History, Form, and Culture
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Fully revised and updated for its second edition, The Power of Comics remains the most authoritative introduction to comic books and graphic novels - the history of the medium, its many forms and manifestations and their place in contemporary culture.
The new edition includes:
An expanded historical section bringing the story of comic books up to the present and covering the rise of the graphic novel and the advent of digital comics
A new chapter on the memoir genre and a thoroughly revised chapter on the superhero genre
A revised chapter - 'Exploring Meanings in Comic Book Texts' - introduces students to the theoretical tools they need to read comics critically
Study objectives, discussion points, activities and annotated further reading guides in each chapter, helping students master the topics covered
Illustrated throughout, with an extensive glossary of key terms, The Power of Comicsalso includes further updated resources available online at www.powerofcomics.com, including additional essays, weblinks and sample syllabi.
- 作者: Duncan, Randy/ Smith, Matthew J./ Levitz, Paul
- 原文出版社:Bloomsbury USA Academic
- 出版日期:2015/02/12
- 語言:英文
The Power of Comics- History, Form, and Culture